Welcome to Civil Air Patrol's online application for cadet membership.
We ask that the prospective cadet and a parent or guardian complete this application together, if possible. If not, a parent or guardian can complete it on their own. The application takes about 10 minutes.
This application is available in English only but basic information about the CAP program is available en Espanol at
NOT apply for membership if you have not already attended at least three meetings at your
local CAP squadron.
The initial cost of membership today ranges from $25.00 to $50.00, depending on the state. This online application accepts payments via Discover, Visa and Mastercard.
You can pay by check or money order if you complete the
paper cadet application and bring it along with payment to your local squadron commander. If utilizing the paper application, please follow the steps on the last page of the form to mail the signed application to National Headquarters.
You'll know the Wing and Unit below only if you've visited a local CAP squadron. If you haven't visited a squadron yet, please do so before applying.
Personal Information
Example: AL, GA, MS
Example: 123, 354, 002
*Social Security Number
Mailing Address
Contact Information
(May be used to contact you concerning CAP events, special interests & other membership information.)
Cadet Phone
Parent Phone
General Information
How did you hear about CAP?
Race/Ethnicity (Optional)
CAP uses this information for demographic research purposes only. You are not required to answer this question to qualify for membership.
As you apply for membership in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Corps, please tell us you're serious about being a cadet by reading the statements below and checking the checkboxes to indicate that you agree.
As a symbol of my readiness to enter the CAP Cadet Program, I make the following pledge:
I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program,
and that I will attend meetings regularly,
participate actively in unit activities,
obey my officers,
wear my uniform properly,
and advance my education and training rapidly
to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state and nation.
Let's talk about your prospective cadet's health. Please know that we do NOT deny membership due to any health issues, so answer completely and honestly so that we can do our part to keep your child safe.
Cadets participate in vigorous, age-appropriate physical fitness activities. Some of the most common activities are listed below. Please tell us if your child is able to participate in each activity.
For each activity please use the following legend to complete the form:
A - No health issues - my child can particpate fully
B - Some health issues - my child can participate with some modifications, or my child will be able to participate once he or she recovers from a temporary health issue
C - Chronic conditions - my child cannot safely participate in this sort of activity due to a long-term health issue
You've told us that your child is healthy and ready to participate fully, without restriction, in our vigorous fitness and sports-like program.
Just to be sure, please confirm that he or she does not have:
- Asthma or breathing problems
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD / ADHD)
- Diabetes
- Allergies
- Heart Problems
- Mobility or flexibility problems
- Mental health challenges that could affect his or her behavior
If they do, please select B or C above next to the activity that would be affected.
Parent's or Guardian's Authorization
*Payment Method